
class langchain_community.tools.databricks.tool.UCFunctionToolkit[source]#

Bases: BaseToolkit

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises ValidationError if the input data cannot be parsed to form a valid model.

param tools: Dict[str, BaseTool] [Optional]#
param warehouse_id: str [Required]#

The ID of a Databricks SQL Warehouse to execute functions.

param workspace_client: WorkspaceClient [Optional]#

Databricks workspace client.

get_tools() β†’ List[BaseTool][source]#

Get the tools in the toolkit.

Return type:


include(*function_names: str, **kwargs: Any) β†’ Self[source]#

Includes UC functions to the toolkit.

  • functions – A list of UC function names in the format β€œcatalog_name.schema_name.function_name” or β€œcatalog_name.schema_name.*”. If the function name ends with β€œ.*”, all functions in the schema will be added.

  • kwargs (Any) – Extra arguments to pass to StructuredTool, e.g., return_direct.

  • function_names (str) –

Return type:
