Chat message history stores a history of the message interactions in a chat.
Class hierarchy:
BaseChatMessageHistory --> <name>ChatMessageHistory # Examples: FileChatMessageHistory, PostgresChatMessageHistory
Main helpers:
AIMessage, HumanMessage, BaseMessage
Chat message history that stores history in Cassandra. |
Chat message history backed by Azure CosmosDB. |
Chat message history that stores history in AWS DynamoDB. |
Chat message history that stores history in a local file. |
Chat message history backed by Google Firestore. |
Consume start position for Kafka consumer to get chat history messages. |
Chat message history stored in Kafka. |
Chat message history cache that uses Momento as a backend. |
Chat message history stored in a Neo4j database. |
Chat message history stored in a Redis database. |
Uses Rockset to store chat messages. |
Chat message history stored in a SingleStoreDB database. |
Convert BaseMessage to the SQLAlchemy model. |
The default message converter for SQLChatMessageHistory. |
Chat message history stored in an SQL database. |
Chat message history that stores messages in Streamlit session state. |
Represents a chat message history stored in a TiDB database. |
Chat message history stored in an Upstash Redis database. |
Chat message history stored in a Xata database. |
Scope for the document search. |
Enumerator of the types of search to perform. |
Chat message history that uses Zep as a backend. |
Chat message history that uses Zep Cloud as a backend. |
Create topic if it doesn't exist, and return the number of partitions. |
Create a message model for a given table name. |
Condense Zep memory into a human message. |
Get the Zep role type from the role string. |
Deprecated classes
Deprecated since version 0.0.25: Use |
Deprecated since version 0.0.27: Use |
Deprecated since version 0.0.25: Use |
Deprecated since version 0.0.31: This class is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. You can swap to using the PostgresChatMessageHistory implementation in langchain_postgres. Please do not submit further PRs to this class.See <langchain-ai/langchain-postgres> Use |