
class langchain.agents.openai_assistant.base.OpenAIAssistantFinish[source]#

Bases: AgentFinish

AgentFinish with run and thread metadata.

  • run_id – Run id.

  • thread_id – Thread id.

Override init to support instantiation by position for backward compat.

param log: str [Required]#

Additional information to log about the return value. This is used to pass along the full LLM prediction, not just the parsed out return value. For example, if the full LLM prediction was Final Answer: 2 you may want to just return 2 as a return value, but pass along the full string as a log (for debugging or observability purposes).

param return_values: dict [Required]#

Dictionary of return values.

param run_id: str [Required]#
param thread_id: str [Required]#
param type: Literal['AgentFinish'] = 'AgentFinish'#
property messages: Sequence[BaseMessage]#

Messages that correspond to this observation.